The Mediocre Moms Club
The Mediocre Moms Club
"You Can Find Me in Da Club" - 50 Cent
The Mediocre Moms Club
Episode #1: "You Can Find Me in Da Club" - 50 Cent
In this episode, I am joined by one of my best mama friends, Kiki. Together we introduce the podcast, discuss some of our ugly truths of motherhood, and open up our village of mediocre, non-judgmental, and sometimes vulgar mamas to others who are still looking for their tribe.
Links to Mentioned Media
- He-Man Woman-Haters Club Scene - The Little Rascals
- "You're Fucking Awesome Mom" by Leslie Ann Bruce
- "#IMOMSOHARD" by Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley
Links to Our Social Media
Hey mamas, welcome to the first official meeting of the Mediocre Moms Club, like The Babysitters Club, but for moms who say fuck, drink wine, and don't always feel like they're crushing it in the motherhood department. I'm Amy, a working mama of two who when it comes to being a mom, Is definitely more surviving than thriving.
Each week, you'll hear me and some mom friends share our experiences of laughing, learning and occasionally fucking up our way through motherhood.
God, we're officially recording. It's really real. I'm freaking out a little bit. Freaking out in a Fort . Freaking out. . Yes. So I feel like we should paint a picture right now. Hmm. The most mediocre mom. I can't get any more mediocre. No in any sense of the word. So we are currently in a Nugget fork. A nugget fort.
We both love the nugget. We really do. We both have a nugget. It's worth some money. Let's be real. K Nugget. Shout out to nuggets. Send me some free merch. , we're on the floor in my living room. Yes. Covered in dog. We have, well, I guess not we, but like there was some Ben and Jerry's involved and we're, I think both on cider number two.
Yeah. Tell me three. It's three for me technically. Is it? If you wanna get technical , did you have one before I got here? No, I had one at the restaurant. Oh, that's right. Shit, you're such a lush. I know. So my guest is Kiki, who is a pa mama of three. One of the main reasons I survive the day-to-day of motherhood.
I feel like you are gonna be more of like a, like you're gonna be on a lot . Oh yeah. Well, I feel like we spend a lot of time together, so probably we might as well just use it wisely when they have a lot of things running around. Right. All right, moms, the moms are gonna go hide in the closet. Yeah.
Actually, you know what? We could pretend we're playing hide and seek and we could do that , not by us. Like sometime they'll find us. They would always, they always. Well, this is really exciting. It really is because we have so much to say. Just the amount of information the world is about to just come upon is huge.
Buckle up, buttercups, . All I could picture when I said that was like the Little Rascals scene where it's like the Heman Woman Haters Club. Have you seen that? Oh yeah. You know what I mean? When they're in that gigantic barn and they're like, oh, the guy with the glass grow bag right there. I know. I was feeling very nostalgic.
What's a movie? Oh, love that movie. I have a. Ihab Adah. Hey. Right. I love those, but I was more focused on Ahab two pickles. No, what's the girl's name? Darla Li. Oh, I was gonna say Lila. No, it's Darla. That's a good name. Darla. Okay. So I just wanted to take two minutes really quickly to introduce myself and just share my why of making this podcast.
Tell us. Yeah. So here's me in a nutshell. In a nugget. In a nugget. . Here's me. In a nugget. Literally. My name's Amy. I'm a mom of two kiddos. I'm also a teacher. I feel like I had my kids young. Like I would say I had them young. My son, I had him right when I turned 24, and then my daughter at 25 and I stayed home with them for two years.
I must forgot about that. I know I didn't a long two. That was a really long two years, but then I've shout out to those stay-at-home moms. Can't do hardcore. Could not do it Hardcore. Shout out. So stay at-home mom for a couple years, and then now I'm obviously been back at work for a little while. I wanted to share the goal of this podcast.
It's to help other moms know they're not the only ones who aren't happy all the time. Hmm. You just wanna connect moms with similar mindsets because I feel like once you've. Find your group of people, it makes it so much better. Yeah. And I wanted to, you know, give us and every mom listening confidence to be whatever version of mom they want.
I'm definitely gonna say us and we a lot, because I'm not making this because I'm an expert in being a mom. Hmm. By far. And I would never want to think that way. Mm-hmm. , because I feel like no one can be an expert mom. No. Because every single kid. So different. Impossible. But I read two audiobook. One of 'em was, you are a Fucking Awesome Mom by Leslie and Bruce.
Mm. And then hashtag I Mom So Hard by Kristen Hensley and Jen Smedley. Yeah. I think I followed them on Facebook. I think so, yeah. I feel like we've talked about this. It's the blonde and the brunette. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. They're from like Nebraska or something. I think they're Midwestern gals. I'll put , Midwestern gals, I'll put their, the link to like those books.
Yeah. And they're just women out there doing their best, not pretending to be perfect and right. Showing like, The really real of nitty gritty, but when I listened to those, I was like, damn, I wish I had this when my kids were younger. Like, not that my kids weren't young, and I think my youngest was three, but still like when they're a baby and you're second guessing literally every single decision.
I was like, oh my God. I would've loved to have listened to these and been like, oh, it's okay. Because being a. So freaking hard. And I think we put it retweet. Yeah. We put it all on ourselves to, if we're not happy being a mom all the time. Yeah. It's like we're, it's our fault, right? Like we're doing something wrong.
Yep. And we compare ourselves on social media so much. Absolutely. That's it's all fucking bullshit. And. It was, I think that's one of the biggest stressors of being a mom right now in today's society is like all these social media moms. And some of them are showing like the not so pretty side, but I, I mean, let's be real.
Social media is, it's usually not real. You're not seeing, well, the other day when we went for that hike, , so Okay. Backstory, um, the hike that wasn't, it wasn't for you. I. Full-blown nature. My freaking idea, I didn't get to go on the hike. So Kiki's idea was when she got home from work. to have all the kids and us go on like a little, you can't even really call it a hike.
It's like a nature walk. . Yeah. It's a nature walk. It's a nature walk. And I was like, I mean, I'm not gonna lie, like that's not my jam, but I was like, let's do it. Because I had been very lazy all day. Like I told you, we had like a very lazy time. Yeah. Morning. So I was like, oh, this is good. I feel better. But so fresh.
Fresh. The part of this story is that we all got ready. I have two and Kiki is three, and one of them was in like the little hiking backpack. Yeah, he was ready to go. Oh my gosh. He was so ready. But her middle one not so much. Not not feeling it. She wouldn't even start walking. No. She immediately wanted to be carried.
And then once she realized I wasn't gonna carry her, Absolutely lost her goddamn mind. And it's not even like you could have carried her because you had this other way. No, it was incapable. Right. Maybe if I didn't have the toddler on my back, I could have carried her for little ways, but it just wasn't even, no, that wouldn't physically possible.
And she's done that walk before. I mean, maybe not in snow, but she could have done it, but she lost her shit. Yeah, she did. It was not cute and there was really no reasoning with her. She just went into that like blackout tantrum mode and it was like, all right, I guess we are not going on this walk. You waited it out.
I was freaking, I mean, I tried to reason with her, which you know you can't at that time. Yeah, you can't. I tried to bargain with her. You know, it's like you go through the stages, like reasoning, bargaining, bribing. Yes. It's no matter what I did, it was like, yes, okay. I will carry you to the bridge. Mm-hmm.
and then you're gonna walk the rest of the way. Nope. Wasn't happening. I know. She wouldn't even go into the car. So we sat there in a field while other people walked by and probably thought I was abusing my child. Cause she was screaming bloody murder. And she threw snow at me for about at least 20 to 30 minutes.
Oh my God. . I was, I'm so sorry. Silly, enjoyable experience. So meanwhile, while Kiki's in the car, Or outside the car. I took her eldest and my two on the The nature walk. The nature walk, which I had never been on that trail before. Yeah. And so I was like, oh my gosh, first I need to walk across a big field of snow.
You had your guide. I was like this huge big field of, I feel like walking in snow is so hard. Yeah. Can we talk about that for a second? I was, Especially up a hill. I mean, God, it was, yeah, I was like working exhaust. Wow. I was definitely sweating, so I finally caught, kind of caught up to the kids and I like took their pictures.
Yeah. There's no pictures for them. No. Yeah, they had been like waiting there. I took their pictures. We did like a boomer ring of them throwing a snowball. Yeah. And then I took. A selfie like later on like cuz it was just so pretty out and I was like Lala feeling myself and look at me on my nature walk.
Right . And that's when I put like snowy walks, whatever. And I literally posted it. I think I posted it on Instagram because I was like, I was fucking dying laughing at myself because I'm like, I would post this and people would be like, oh my God, look at her. Like all the snowed it like fuck no. We literally had done nothing but watched screens all.
Yeah, you're just seeing a little snippet of the entire day. Right. . And plus what you didn't see was my four year old losing her goddamn mind. Right. Throwing snow at me. Throwing an absolute fit. Right. Yeah. So the behind the scenes, yeah, it's just like what you can show in a snippet of time is not usually the full story by any means.
Yeah. And I, I feel like. That's just such a good example of like . Oh my god, social. Social is such a bullshit. It's absolutely, but I'm so guilty of it too. Like, I fucking love filters. Yeah. It's like we don't, we don't post a lot of like the hard stuff. Like I don't post a lot of videos in my kid's tantrums.
I'm, I'm not a pretty crier. No. So like, I feel like pretty criers post. Videos of themselves crying, honestly. Right? Like, and that is not to offend fucking anybody, but like, good for you. Like I just don't have that gumption, right? It's also not my instinct to like, if I'm really having a hard moment, like I don't wanna record myself, I don't wanna video myself.
I just want, I wanna turn off like literally journal. I'm gonna go into my show, I'm go into my shell and nobody talks to me. Absolutely. So, You know, talking about this, thinking about this, why I wanted to make the podcast and I was just kind of writing down things that I felt like I wanted to hear and things that I've criticized myself and felt guilty for thinking, let alone saying.
Mm-hmm. . And I think now that I can say them and I don't know. What, you know, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but now that I am like I do verbalize them, like, I'm like, oh my gosh, there's has to be, I bet you there's other moms who feel this way. Sometimes half the battle is just being able to say it out loud.
Right. No, I completely agree. But then I find friends like you and then some of our other friends who we can talk about it. Right. And it's not like you don't feel like you're being judged. Right. And it's okay to, oh my God, like I was totally daydreaming. The days before kids, like, I always wonder because I had my kids so young, like what would my life have been like if I hadn't had them when I had them?
Right. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, not that I want to go back in time and would change that because then it wouldn't be them. Right. But just thinking about it, like I didn't really have, you know, your twenties, my early twenties. Yeah. You know, I was. Denzo off the dating scene at 22? No, not that. Well, that's nothing.
I mean, I got into a relationship that's living nothing too. My long-term relationship started super young. I was 16, but we didn't have kids until I was 28, so I That's true. And we went to separate colleges. Yeah. So I feel like we still got like our twenties out of the way. So even though it's only a couple years in like the grand scheme of things, I mean it still feels like a huge chunk of time.
No, it was like how old you were versus how old I was. It just, it seems like more years than it actually is. Yeah, because I feel like so much you can like accomplish so much during those years. So much drinking can be had , so much drinking can be had. Yeah. No so much struggled juice out of it. Trash can and a frat taste.
I know. I used to fucking love jungle juice though, because you know, it tastes like, it tastes like Hawaiian punt though. Yeah. Jungle juice wasn't. No junk. I'm all, I mean suspicious suss as I feel like as than you . It was little suss. A little sus, but it was not bad thought. That was just like young college student sangria essentially.
That's what I feel like. Yeah. It's like broke college kid. Yeah. Sangria. It's like the ramen of sangria. Remember that? Zika vodka, that's what they used to put in it. I think it felt vodka. No. Oh, maybe. Mm. I can't remember the name of it, but I know it was a really cheap vodka that came out of like a plastic joke.
I don't know. Either way. Oh shit. Okay. It's like rubbing alcohol's grotesque . The goal of the podcast, which is to talk about jungle juice, juice is talk about jungle juice all day. I was actually talking to one of my friends and she was saying, you know, I was telling her like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna post the trailer today.
Like, it was like, don't stress about it. Like just like, let this be an adventure. And I was. Yeah, I wish I could say things like that. . . It's an adventure. It's an, but I was like, oh my God. Yeah. Like let it be an adventure. This is fucking fun. I think I would as like an outsider, something like other people might really wanna hear.
Hmm. That it's a relatable kind of real, cuz like I think that's one of the things I pride myself on and you too is just being real. Yeah. And I think that's why we get along so well because. No filters. And we like, haven't ever really had filters because I don't think that's our personality. No, it's not.
And some people, my husband said this to me, he said, you may not be everybody's cup of tea, but you're, everybody's shot up. Somebody's shot up tequila or something like that. Oh, I like that. I haven't heard that one. No. It was like, but that's so true, because we're not a cup of tea. I'm not that dainty. No, no, we're not a cup.
No. Out of espresso. . Yeah. Oh my God. . I was just watching New Girl. Have you seen Girl? Oh, I love that show. I mean, I didn't watch the whole entire thing with Zoe D Chanel. Yeah, whatever. I love that show. Oh my God. You have to watch the whole thing. It's all Netflix. But I love it. I've literally watched it all the way through.
Three. She's so funny. Three times I obsessed there. Show episode where Cece and Jess go on, they go out to lunch, but Cece's like super tired because her child hasn't slept. So like Really? Oh, she has a. Oh yeah. Oh my God. Sorry. Spoiler. Oh, fuck yeah. No. Well, you need to get on it. Like, oh my God. It's amazing.
But she's super tired. Yeah. And so, but she like wants to Sorry, my wife. Yeah, exactly. She wants to hold this, hold up this lunch with, with Jess. Yeah. Like friend's lunch, whatever. So then she gets a glass of wine. and a pot of coffee. And she, she's just like drinking both. And she is like, she's like, I'm been there.
Yeah. I'm like, oh my God, I wanna get a buzz. But also I, if I don't drink this coffee, I'm going to fall asleep immediately. I'm gonna, I don't want people to think of that. This is gonna be a podcast about like fucking being negative and just complaining about our lives, like throwing a pity party. Cause that's not what it's gonna be at all.
But I think. , it is okay to complain as a mom, right? And I think it's, I think it's okay to complain as a fucking human being. I think that's one of mom's good things about being a mother in this generation, is that it's become okay to talk about when you're not okay. Right. And the things that aren't always like sunshine and rainbows and unicorns.
Like it's, it's real and it's really hard. And you know, back in the day when our moms were bringing up kids, you didn't really talk about that stuff. Right? And I just want this to be a community of moms. Need to or, or want to or already do, know that it's okay to just be okay. Like you can't be supermom.
You can't be supermom. But I feel like even as I say that, I'm like, I'm still, I still am always trying to, I feel like that's cuz you love your kids and you just want them to be happy and. , you wanna be the best version of yourself for them. I think we can all agree on that, right? It's just sometimes, I think to be the best, you have to take time for yourself.
You have to have things like this where it's an outlet. You can listen to other moms just kind of vent or yeah, be real, and you can feel less alone and less guilty. Well, and my hope too would be that. As different people come on the show or as different topics come up. Like anybody who has tips on those topics, share them.
Right. You know what I mean? I feel like that's where you The tips. Tips. Thank you. . Yeah. Like how you learn the best is through moms going through it. Like you can read the books, you can whatever, but like it's a community. It's like I've spoken to you, probably you about it and other moms about it. It's like in other societies and other cultures, moms live.
In like a community of moms. Yes. Moms and kids. You just, you're there, you support each other. It's like you raise each other's kids and I love that. I wish we had more of that in this society and I feel like you and I are extremely lucky cuz we almost almost have that like between kind of made our own kind of community and Right.
I think more moms should do that and not every mom has the access to that, but at least you have maybe the access to this and you can kind of feel a part of a supportive community of moms who a. Yeah, who really are a fam, but like come as you are. I feel like we did it. I will post a picture of this sport.
I'm definitely, because that's, it's, even though you bashed my first for that, it was pathetic. I said I don't, wasn't my finest work. Okay. I don't want this to sound mean. But your fort sucks. It really wasn't that great. I'll give you that. This worked out well. This is comfortable. It's not bad. Well, and we're covered in dog hair.
I know. I don't wanna, I'm wearing black pants, so it's gonna be, it's rough. Super fun. Well, thank you guys for taking some time. What did you say the other day? Oh, overwhelmed and underappreciated. Stimulated and underappreciated. So if you are overstimulated and underappreciated, all those things, Keep tuning in and overstimulating,
That is my baseline. Oh, a hundred percent. And please comment or send email or messages or whatever because I would just love to hear your feedback. Was the show what you kind of, what you were thinking of? Yeah, maybe some topics. Yeah. Cause I know I have like a, b, a list of a bunch of topics that I want to get to, but that's just like, just to hear what other people.
Right. Like that's just from my brain. Like I would love to hear what other people, and I would love to see if there's like similarities, you know what I mean? Like common. I'm sure there is. Oh, I bet you there is. Stay mediocre and know that it's okay to sometimes be fucking mediocre. Sometimes it's okay to be just okay.
Yeah. Oh damn. That's what's a good one. Yeah. That's really fucking, yep. Good. Right what she said, . Bye.