The Mediocre Moms Club
The Mediocre Moms Club
"Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots" - LMFAO
The Mediocre Moms Club
KiKi is BACK! In this episode, we discuss the miserable task of taking your kids to the doctor, especially when they have to get SHOTS. Pretty sure they should provide parents with a different kind of shot at these appointments. Am I right?!
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Hey mamas, welcome to the Mediocre Mom's Club. I'm Amy, a working mom of two who when it comes to being a mom is definitely more surviving than thriving. Each week you'll hear me and some mom friends share our experiences of laughing learning and occasionally. Fucking up our way through motherhood.
So each week we'll have a guest mom to share her thoughts and experiences. Certain topic. Today's topic is all about taking kids to the doctor, especially if they have to get shot, shot, shot, shot, shot. I know that's literally every, but at what age? At what age does that, I don't think we're ever gonna let that go.
In your mind. I don't think so, and I'm holding onto that for life forever. That just brings back so many good memories in like the basement. Bar . Right? Or like a basement of our house. Right. Also that also that just all the basements. How did we survive basement? Barely. Barely. So I think it's really a great topic to talk about.
It's with you on here because. , you have both of those perspectives of being not only in the medical field, but being a mom as well. Mm-hmm. . Yeah, I mean it, I always say to people, I can't have my medical brain and my mom brain in the same brain, so I might have all this medical knowledge that I can apply to like patients, and then I'm with my own kids and something happens and I.
Second guessing myself. So I mean, I get it. You know, you'd think maybe if my kid gets sick, I just automatically know what's wrong with them and what to do. I'm human. Like, once you add emotion into it, it's really hard. Yeah. To make the same kinds of decisions. Yeah. That you can when it's not your child, child.
Yeah. It's just a whole other element. But yeah, I've been in healthcare for, Eight, nine years. So I've got some experience. I did primary care and now I do urgent care, and I see all kinds of things, all kinds of kids, and. I love it, but I empathize with these parents cause I am one. Right. You know? And I know what it's like to bring your kid in to any healthcare facility.
It's usually not a walk in the park. . Well, it's like not something you'd ever do by choice. and every kid is different. Right. You know? And every situation is different. You can bring a kid in one day and they're like happy as can be. Like, yeah, let's go do it. And then the next time not so much. So I get it and I'm never gonna be judging.
ever. So funny story of the inspiration of this, this episode or this topic, I had to take my daughter to. Her physical. Um, and she needed to get the physical, the physical, and she needed to get a shot. And I wasn't, I didn't tell her that she was gonna get the shot, and that's something we'll talk about too, but mm-hmm.
um, she loves going to the doctor. Her primary care is a pa and we just adore her. She's also mine. Yay. Yay. Support, support. . She's also mine and things she, we have like a personal connection too, I feel like. Like on, like she's a friend of a friend that I went to. Right. So it's like, you know, she's a real person.
I don't know. Mm-hmm. . And so we had, you know, we went to her appointment. She loves it because she just wants to be her piecing the light Limelight, in the limelight for sure. But also just was like emulates her, my daughter. Because the appointment was kind of like getting towards the end that she wasn't gonna have to get a shot.
She had made it outta there, but I had told her like, I think she misunderstood because she had said she's not gonna have to get any for a long time after this. But I think she missed like the, after this part, right? So she was like, she's like, all right, she'll be back with blah, blah, blah. And she's like looked at me as if I literally had betrayed her.
Like that's the worst feeling. Oh my. Literally gut the fear in their eyes. It's the eyes palpable. It's the eyes for me. Yeah. Like it really the panic. It's panic. And I recognize that panic as someone who has anxiety and like panic for years and years and years. And you feel like, oh my God, I did this to this poor drive.
Right. Yeah. Complete side note, like there's no. VAX Provax or anti-vax? Oh yeah. On here at all? Yeah. Like there's no, I like, I don't, and by no way did my thoughts and opinions reflect those of my employer? These are just my own thoughts and opinions, yes. Oh, a hundred percent, right. I completely agree. A disclaimer for sure.
Yeah. . But I just like, I wanna, I figure I'm like, okay, we're talking about a shot. Like we might as well like, oh right, sure. Make sure like there's no, like you have your way of you do you boo. Exactly. . Like literally you have your way of parenting. You're wonderful. You do what you need to know what you think is best.
Um, so anyway, my daughter, the panic. ensues. And so she, of course, she's wearing, I don't even remember what it was, but it was the worst fucking shirt, or, oh, it was a dress, A long sleeve flannel dress. Yeah. And so there was, so you had to undo the buttons? There was, yep. There was no way to roll up her sleeve as far as it needed.
So you had to basically strip the child down? I was, well, I tried to, I She didn't, she wouldn't let you take the shirt off? No. and then you're like, oh my God, I'm forcing you to take your shirt off. Like, am I a terrible mom? Like am I right? She's gonna have trauma, , exact, no. Like all of these thoughts are going through my head while she's screaming bloody murder.
And I'm like, and she had been so like calm and confident, like cool, calm, collected the whole appointment and then like, Oh my gosh. In an instant it was completely different. And then she's like, it's the dreaded shots shot. It's, she's like, I just wanna take a deep breath first. And I'm like, okay. You know what?
I love when they do can take, they go, wait, wait, wait. Yeah, wait, wait. And kids do that at work all the time. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah, but don't you feel bad when you joke me. No. Like, we're not waiting. I did for like a minute because she's a. Rational. She like, she is very rational with, with a lot of things.
So I was just, you know, like, I was like, okay, maybe she is, you know, whatever. Nope, she fucking fooled me. Mm. So then, We had like two nurses in to help. So me plus two nurses. And then at this point, I can't get her dress off because it was, oh my God. It was like flannel. So there's no stretch and there's no gig.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like if she's not working with me, it's not happening. Right. And so, . I'm like, can we? They're like, we can do it. She was bobbing. You were weaving. Yeah, . They were like, you can do it in her leg. I'm like, okay. Well, I'm like pulling sure her like short her like, um, spandex pants down or whatever.
Right. Again, traumatizing. Again, traumatizing. Sorry. Love you. She's kicking, streaming. Yeah. Oh my God. Like my eyes are like starting to well up and I'm like, Nope. Hold it. Hold it. Yeah, hold it. That would be the worst fucking thing I. So then she's kicking and screaming. This is taking so long. Everybody's sweating in drench,
In comes her PCP and another doctor or pcp, I'm not sure. And they're both like PA and P. Yeah. I have no idea who she was, but she was super nice and they both came in cuz they were like shocked at like, like, wait, this was that kid. Exactly. Yeah. And they, but they weren't upset at all. Right? They were almost just like, can we.
Do this to her, you know? And I was like, oh my gosh, this is terrible. So finally she was literally, this whole time she's screaming on the top of her life and crying. Okay. And just sobbing. Yeah. And like get away from it. Oh yeah. Oh, it's terrible. Yeah. And it literally rips you apart. Yeah. I mean, like you have to, to stay strong, but it rips you the fuck apart.
Nobody really wants to inflict. Pain on their child? No. And like once you see that fear on their face, you're like, okay, I feel like that was the stab me in the heart. Maybe I've forgotten and blocked it out, but I feel like that was the first time I saw it, that intensely on On her face. On the face.
Because you're supposed to be the one that protects them. And then this is, you're like, Nope, honey, it's okay. We're just gonna stab you with a needle. Yeah. And I've seen it on my son's. Yeah, I've seen that panic and that intensity, but this was the first time she's really lost it. This, and she's so articulate in certain ways that like, right, she was articulating how.
Petrified she was, and I was like, fuck yeah. I almost missed the days when she couldn't tell me. Right. And it was just crying and screaming. Like, that sounds terrible, but like Yeah, when they're toddlers and the, oh, and they, they eat. You don't have to tell them. They just, one second, they got a needle in their leg the next second they don't
So I was like literally promising everything like I, yes, chocolate ice cream take out like my fucking kidney. Like everything. I would've offered her everything at that point and like, . And after it happened, she was still upset. Yeah. It wasn't like she was like, oh, that didn't hurt. Right. So I didn't even, she's like, you betrayed me.
Yeah. Literally. And I was like, did I just fucking ruin this relationship? Mm-hmm. and so, I didn't even really, we didn't really reflect on it a ton when we got, when we got home, um, my husband like talked, I told him obviously the debrief. Yeah, we, we did like a mild debrief, but she wasn't even ready. So no, she wasn't in her reasonable, no logical state of mind.
And she was just exhausted at that point too. I, because she had just like kiss everything. Fight or flight responses kicked in. Exactly. So a couple days later, probably the next day or the day after, I remember we were like sitting at the kitchen table. I don't even know what we're doing and I. Was like, okay, I feel like she's good.
We're good, but we have to talk about this Uhhuh . Like this was a lot. And I was like, Hey baby girl, how are you feeling about the shot now that it's over? You know? I was thinking, I honestly, I don't, and this might be so fucking dumb of me, but like you thought she was gonna be like, it was fine, ma'am. Yeah.
Yeah, I did because she's usually. Rational in those ways. You can, she can reflect on that and say like, oh, you know, she show she feels bad after, she'll like, throw a tantrum and she'll like come over and show you her remorse and you know, whatever. So I did not expect, when she literally looked at me with the.
Fucking eyes of Satan. Mm-hmm. . And was like, I'm still mad, . And I was like, what the F? Okay. And then I was like, oh, mad at who? And even more intense. Intense like flames now in her eyeballs. You daggers you mom, and then ouch. Gets up and walks away. Oh wow. Mike dropped. That was two days later. Yes. Hi. I literally, girl can hold a grudge.
Ugh, . I know. I literally though, like I could had no thoughts. I was gonna go that way. Hmm. Which is dumb on my part. She's like, It still hurts. I don't know. At that point you're probably like, should I not have even mentioned it? I know. That was like, okay. I guess we're not really debriefing this because I think she's plotting my murder.
Oh yeah. No, she is like in her room with her crayons. Dear diary . Yeah, right. No, we're still in the picture stage, but that's okay. They'll be, they'd be detailed picture diary everywhere. Mom, we're so bad. She still loves you. I mean, you're doing it cuz you wanna protect her. I mean, it comes from a good place, you know that.
Yeah. Doesn't know that. What could you have done? Did feel like you did a good job. Yeah, I mean it happened. It, it was awful. But it also goes back to the point, what we were gonna talk about was, do you tell your kid beforehand? Right. Do you just go for the element of surprise, like. I never really know. No.
And sometimes, like, especially with the older one, he'll ask me, am I gonna get any shots? Oh, right. And I'll usually play dumb and say, Hmm, I don't know. I'm not sure, honey. Like, we'll have to wait and see. And you know, and then usually it's at the very end, just like you said, and they, they kind of know and they get that look on their face.
Yeah. . Yeah. You're just like, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Don't feel like there's really any right or wrong way to go about it. Like why is there not a better way? I feel like there should be a better way. Well, there are some intranasal, but they're live vaccines. What does that mean? I don't like, you can actually snort a flu shot.
Like cocaine. Kind of the fuck. Yeah. Well, well now I know why it's not, it's not the preferred method. . Now I know why it's not well known. Okay, I get it. This is a lot of science. I, I do feel better about science though, knowing that like people weren't just like, yeah, let's just give up on this. Like these mother, I think this is the preferred method of.
Really ensures, uh, immunity. That's amazing. I literally love that. So usually if they ask me, I'll tell them, or, well, I guess I'll kind of not tell them. I mean, with the toddler, you don't have to say anything. That's the great part. And they're upset, but then they quickly forget about it. Right. I am a big fan of bribery and if they do start to get upset, you say, After this, we're gonna go get anything, any donut, any toy, whatever you want, you can have and just like really praising the crap out of them after.
But either way, it's gonna suck. It's just so exhausting. Like, . It's physically and mentally draining. It is. I remember when I got home, I'm pretty sure I had a migraine at that point, like genuinely because I'm very, I'm very migraine prone. Mm-hmm. . Um, I had a migraine and I was just, I was emotionally exhausted and I wanted to cry because I had never Yeah.
I also feel like there's something to be said about not making a huge deal of it. Right. And the more you talk it up, then it makes it a bigger deal. Right. And then they get more hyped about it. Yeah. I remember. Doc Mc Stuffings was came about and I was Cute show. Well, I've never, I don't even know if I've seen it because I was fucking pissed.
Neither of my kids would get into it, and I was like, this is how we're gonna get through shows. Yeah. I mean, I think we've probably watched one episode, but what the fuck? Like that would've made my life so much easier. Like, , I remember buying like three doctor kits. Mm-hmm. . Cause people would be like, that's gonna make it easier.
I'm great. Yeah. Make something. I mean, my kids know I, I work in healthcare and I Right. They still don't, I mean, they're great at their physicals and like checkups and stuff, but when it comes to shots, I mean, they've definitely all lost their shit. Yeah. So I wanna know. To anyone listening, like what is it, like what, do you have any tips or tricks to getting your kiddos through shots or, you know, what are some experiences you've had?
Did you have to have like six people? Now? Let me give some context though. Like, my daughter is 40 pounds, maybe. She's a peanut. She's a peanut. She's beautiful, Lil Peanut, and she, she literally became the fucking. Oh yeah. Like she survival. When I tell you I was trying to get that dress off, did it work? The buttons right.
I'm not even kidding. Like I wasn't even undoing buttons. Like I was just frantic. Oh my. And she was like, yeah, no. Right. Like literally. Plus then you start to stress and they can tell you're stressed. Right. And I really feel like kids just totally pick up on their mother's energy then. Oh God, yes. Then, Their emotions.
I know that's one of my biggest things when I, I not like you can really help that you can't. But I remember when my son was really little and, and I had a lot of like postpartum anxiety, postpartum depression stuff. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And I would just think like, , he's gonna pick up on my, and then it makes me feel worse and then I feel even worse.
Right? I'm like, what the fuck? I can't even stop that. Right? I know. So I don't wanna have these thoughts and then I'm feeling bad about even having these thoughts cuz then he's gonna know and he's gonna feel worse and, but then there's the other piece of it too is like in the middle of this, like literally bargaining away your life for this child to get a fucking shot.
I also feel the need to apologize. To the nurses or whoever's in there doing it. Mm-hmm. , which I hate. Okay. Well I can offer some insight on that. Do not apologize. It's something, I mean, we do all day. We deal with kids all day. Like kids act that way. Yeah. It's just, especially, most of us have kids like Right, we know.
what it's like. Yeah. As long as you're, you're willing to like help out and do your best, manage the situation. Right. That's, I think is like a healthcare perspective. That's all we really Well, I feel like that's helpful because I hate apologizing for my kids' behavior. I really don't butt Always think your kid's the only kid.
That's right. Well, and that's, yeah. I mean that's a huge, because like I feel like most kids freak out. a hundred percent. It's not, that's, that's typical, atypical is kids that don't freak out. Oh, chill. Yeah. Just like, which, you know, good for them, but also that could be one day and then the next day they might lose their shit.
Well, my son used to be really scared of them and the past, you know, several, he doesn't have to get a lot now, but like the past several times, like mm-hmm. totally fine. Mm-hmm. even told his sister like, it's not scary. Look, and it was. Who the fuck are you? Right? That's shocking, but Right. But it was like amazing and, but now it's her, and now she's like petrified of it.
That would be a really interesting topic too, of like, what are your kids scared of? Or like what are their fears? Mm. And like how do you handle them? Right. Wouldn't that be interesting? Think it varies a lot by kid and by like the day. Yeah. Yeah. Dee doesn't like loud noises. I know that for sure. Yeah. No, she doesn't.
It's not, my son doesn't like, he actually said it the other day after our hi. He said, I don't like after. Before. No, no, no, no. He was making fun of. His sister about being scared of something. I don't even know what it was at this point. Mm-hmm. . And then to him, I said, don't make fun of her for her being scared of something.
Mm-hmm. , you were just scared of those dogs that came running towards you. Mm-hmm. . Oh, right. Like, don't make fun of her. It's everyone's scared of something and then that's true. And so they all started listing the things they're scared of. Oh, that's really cute. Yeah. And so and your son was involved and he was like, sure he was.
Yeah. But mine said, I'm scared of big dogs and the dark. Mm. And he's never vocalized that he is scared of the dark before. Mm-hmm. Mm. So now I'm like, that's fucking cool. Yeah. I mean, not that I know what to do with that now. I mean, my God, like he has a million, how many are in his room? I don't even know.
Yeah. I wear a mask and I need like six masks at night to be in their rooms because there's so many fucking, oh, like an eye mask. I thought you were putting a mask over your face. I was like, no, I wear an eye mask at night. Oh no. If I could, my perfect sleeping, would I love it. Dark would be. Cold. Cold. Yep.
And like a cave loud, like loud little bat cave bat. Yeah, like a bat cave. I do like the, um, I like the rain, the white noise. Yeah. I prefer the rain sound, but interesting. I know. It makes me kinda have to pee. I always think that, but I, I don't know. I really like it, but it depends. I kind of like thunderstorm sounds.
Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah. But I can't play that because in the rain one that comes on your phone. . It has fucking birds in it. Oh God. You'll be like falling asleep. Like drift. Nobody, nobody lost that. And it's like tweet, tweet, and I'm like, what the fuck? No, I don't wanna hear the birds. I just wanna hear the rain.
That's my least fav. Like I love the first time birds come back, which should be probably, I mean, yes. Not we're gonna get snow tonight. Yeah. The ground hugs saw his shadow, so. Oh, it'll be a while. Yeah. I hate. Someday. We'll, we'll hear birds again someday. Yeah. Well, and I like them the first morning when that happens.
And then I'm just like, and it's in the summer and they're like at 4:00 AM between, you're like, shut up. Cause I live in, when I went to Belize, There was a whole like colony of birds right outside the window. And there was like not even an effective window No. To begin with. So the first thing in the morning we would just hear birds.
So I have like ptsd, T S D, that's a no for me dog. Yeah. I hate birds actually. Did you know this? No, but I like really don't like birds. Like I don't, I wouldn't say I have a fear of them, but I don't like them. They're a little suss . You're so. I know like one time WeChatting back from a wedding that I had gone to in Florida.
Mm-hmm. , I was in the car with my mom and her college best friend who had gone to the wedding when we were driving back and my mom was driving. I was in the front seat and her friend was in the backseat and this bird kind of like swooped down. and I literally like hit the windshield. No, no, no, no, no.
Didn't even come, like didn't hit the car. Oh. But I saw it like swooping down. I mean, we didn't have, it's not like we had a convertible it like a clock. No, the roof was on the car, like everything. And I fucking ducked as if this bird was coming in my car and gonna like clamp on me. Mom bun . I was, uh, 23.
Interesting. Oh my God. So I was like, shit, maybe I'm scared. Yeah. I wouldn't say birds like are on the top of my fearless . No. And I wouldn't say they're, I'm like afraid of them, but I'm just like, fuck. Don't, like they carry, they carry germs. A lot of diseases. Yeah. Sorry. And no disrespect birds. Yeah, I think birds are pretty.
Oh yeah, there's some real pretty bird. Well, we're gonna have chickens, and that's like a, that's a bird. I know. I'm really excited. You want eggs? Yeah. Well, I already told your son that , because he was mentioning the other day and I was just like, We're not gonna get chickens, but he was like, you guys should get chickens.
And I was like, we're not gonna get chickens that sure. Spill your eggs. He was like, that's cool. Every time I come over your house, I'll bring you one. And I hold him to be like, that's so generous. Just one egg. That's actually gonna be okay though. It's at least once. It's at least three times a week. I would love to know how many people have had a horrific episode at the doctor with shots like, oh, I guarantee not on a 10.
Yeah. You think everybody's kid is acher when they come to the doctor's office? I. Well, cha cha cha cha cha cha cha that, um, Bain no l um, l m f ao right? Isn't, oh yeah. That song was so good because it was like seven songs in one God. They were good. Those are some really like party hits. Crazy. Thanks for being a part of the Mediocre Moms Club.
You and your secret late night snack rappers in your nightstand drawer are always welcome. And don't forget, follow us on Instagram at mediocre moms club dot podcast. Leave us a review, subscribe and keep listening on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app. But most importantly, mamas always remember that sometimes.
It's okay to just be mediocre.